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Riegler Timer Trading:
Your professionals for high quality
wood and timber in Wenigzell

Riegler Timer Trading:
Your professionals
for high quality
wood and timber
in Wenigzell

Wood for the World

About us

Riegler Timber Trading was founded in 2018 by me, Karl Riegler. Since then the company has been PEFC certified. We take care of the reliable delivery of all kinds of wood. We have specialized in European softwood and hardwood timber. I pass on my great experience in exports to my employees. So we are always able to advise you in detail and are competent at your side with all your questions and concerns. A good partner network guarantees best individual solutions, which are really appreciated by our customers from all over Europe.

Our products

High quality wood

High grade wood

Round timber


Construction wood


Spruce wood

Fir wood

Larch wood

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Tour of our company

You can take a look around our terrain in the Google tour shown here. Simply click on the image to go to desired locations or hold down the mouse button and drag around to look around in all directions.